Happy Holidays, BioBLASTers!
Please join us in celebrating some good news. We recently learned that BioBLAST® was selected to be one of five finalists for the CODIE AWARD for School Based Education Product - Best Product of 1999. BioBLAST teachers and NASA experts who have collaborated and supported us throughout the development of this product are an integral part of the program's success.
The five finalists are:
BioBLAST®, NASA Classroom of the Future
Boxermath.com, Boxer Learning
Interactive Anatomy Student Edition, A.D.A.M. Software, dba adam.com
Mapmaker's Toolkit, Tom Snyder Productions
Starry Night Pro, Sienna Software Inc.
More details about the CODIE awards can be found on the
Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) Web site at:
You can sign up to participate in the judging process by completing a form on the SIIA Web site.
To participate in the 2000 Codie Award's Finalist Review Box, download, complete and send the form linked to the Web site pasted above. Send the form directly to the appropriate people, as noted on all forms.
Thank you for hanging in there with us through the design, development, testing, AND debugging process. We'll keep you posted on the results of the Codie Awards which should be announced next spring.
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday and safe and "bug-free" Y2K Happy New Year!
Coming soon ..a call for participation in some new microbiology collaborative experiments updates on BioBLAST from teacher-leaders Astrobiology Biology opportunities .International Space Station Life Science Activities ..
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