Step 2.  List What Is Needed

Now that you have an idea of what you DO know about hard-red winter wheat and the impacts of the event on the spheres and the spheres on the event, you need to think about what you DO NOT know. Below, you will ask questions that will guide the research that may take place on the Internet, in the library, or with other resources.

In the first column, list your questions about hard-red winter wheat. 

Ask questions in the second column to direct the research you will conduct in Step 3. These questions should help you focus your research on finding information to complete the ESS analysis of the impacts that increased concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide could have on the four spheres that make up the Kansas wheat farm ecosystem.

List your questions regarding hard-red winter wheat.

List your questions regarding the impacts that increased concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide could have on the four spheres that make up the Kansas wheat farm ecosystem.