Adaptation a change in organisms in response to a change in the environment
Amphibian an organism capable of living both on land and in water
Archosaurs group of reptiles that gave rise to the dinosaurs
Conifers cone-bearing plants (e.g., pines)
Cynodonts mammal-like reptiles (Triassic)

Ecological niche

the place an organism occupies in an ecology, both an area and a lifestyle


conifers are gymnosperms because their seeds are unprotected, that is, they have no covering
Herbivore ananimal that eats plants (the large sauropods were herbivores)
Lithosphere the outermost rocky sphere of the earth's mantle; the rigid portion that supports the continental and oceanic crust of the planet; a rocky outer shell that is divided into the tectonic plates
Omnivore an animal that eats both plants and animals
Orogeny a mountain-building episode
Pangaea the supercontinent or "all land" that existed between 300-200 mya
Plate Tectonics the tectonic interactions of the moving lithospheric plates
Saurischia one of the two orders of dinosaurs classified by their hip structure. Saurischian dinosaurs includes the herbivorous sauropods and the carnivorous theropods
Sauropods a dinosaur suborder of long-necked herbivores
Theropods a suborder of saurischian dinosaurs that included the bipedal (walking on two legs) carnivores; this suborder is divided into the carnosaurs and the coelurosaurs
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