Assessment Overview: Classroom Application Assignment & Rubric
eeks 6, 9, 12, and 15

Goal: Develop cooperative activities that engage your students in understanding Earth as a system through analyzing the causes and effects of an event. Use the directions below to complete your assignment.

Assignment (by midnight Sunday)
Posting instructions for steps 1-3

  • Go to the Classroom, then click on Classroom Application Space.

1. Plan how to adapt this cycle's event for your curriculum and students, or choose a local event to develop. Use the Classroom Application Rubric as a guide and think about how to:

  • Introduce students to Earth system science thinking.
  • Form event teams and sphere groups.
  • Provide activities and resources for sphere groups and event teams.
  • Adapt rubrics from this course or create new ones for student assessment

2. Write a description of the activity for your teammates to review.

3. Post comments and questions to your teammates.

Posting instructions for step 4

  • Go to the Classroom, then click on Journal Space.

4. Explain the thinking behind your classroom application and apply the Classroom Application Rubric to your classroom application. Write your rating and the rationale for your rating. Refer to the Journal Rubric.

Posting instructions for step 5

  • Go to the Classroom, then click on Classroom Application Space.

5. For extra credit you may apply the Classroom Application Rubric to one classmate’s classroom application. Post your rating and the rationale for your rating.

Use what you have learned about Earth system science with your students and apply it toward the development of a classroom application. You may also choose to locate and submit a classroom application. Whichever approach you choose, make sure that the classroom application describes the following:

  1. How the content will be relevant to your students
  2. How the classroom application fits with the curriculum, standards, or discipline
  3. How you will engage students in different roles at different levels with cooperative learning instructional methods
  4. How you will know your students’ knowledge and systems thinking has evolved as a result of this classroom application (assessment).

Your application should be tailored to your students and geared toward outcomes. You can use the rubric below to plan, evaluate, and improve your classroom application.

Rubric Criteria: Relevance for students
4 Rating:
A “hook” into the content that is exciting to students and that they can see immediate use for.
3 Rating:
An engaging introductory activity that provokes students’ curiosity.
2 Rating:
A way to identify and use existing student knowledge and interests for knowledge development.
1 Rating:
An opportunity for students to relate what they are learning to their lives and interests.
Rubric Criteria: Curriculum connections
4 Rating:
Integrates ideas from different disciplines for systems thinking.
3 Rating:
Integrates ideas from several areas through systems thinking.
2 Rating:
Uses Earth system science to focus on systems.
1 Rating:
Connects Earth, Life, and Physical science around Earth system science.
Rubric Criteria: Instructional strategy
4 Rating:
Uses jigsaw groups for cooperative learning with students becoming experts in several areas.
3 Rating:
Uses coop-
erative learning with roles for students to become experts.
2 Rating:
Uses cooperative learning with roles.
1 Rating:
Uses teams.
Rubric Criteria: Assessment methods
4 Rating:
Assessment is integral to the classroom application as reflection for students. Uses rubrics to show the continuum that is expected.
3 Rating:
Begins with revealing students’ theories about ESS. Reveals changes in students’ ESS thinking over several activities.
2 Rating:
Analyzes pre and post knowledge of ESS and systems thinking through activities.
1 Rating:
Identifies pre and post knowledge and skills.

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Sphere Study Assignment & Rubric

Event Study Assignment & Rubric

Classroom Application Assignment & Rubric

Journal Assignment & Rubric

Final Project Assignment & Rubric 

Local Event Study Assignment & Rubric


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