Presidential Town Hall Meeting
on Education Standards

Audio and video excerpts from President Clinton's broadcast are now available at this site. For a full text transcript, see

Location: Robert C. Byrd High School
 Clarksburg, West Virginia


May 22, 1997
Time: Internet live broadcast 1:00-2:30 P.M. EDT

Video and Audio

Audio Only

West Virginia showcased its increasing use of advanced technologies during President Clinton's Education Town Hall Meeting on May 22, 1997. President Clinton promoted national education standards and other important items on his education agenda. This was the first Presidential presentation to be broadcast live over the Internet.

Several of West Virginia's education pioneers and proponents of technology in the classroom collaborated with organizations nationwide to bring the meeting to schools via the Internet. With the aid of computer and telecommunications technologies, the Internet community was able to experience a RealAudio/RealVideoTM live broadcast of President Clinton's message. Clips of the recorded broadcast are available now.

Education-Related Resources

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The live broadcast was coordinated by the NASA Classroom of the Future™ Program at the Erma Ora Byrd Center for Educational Technologies™ with assistance from the National Technology Transfer Center, both on the campus of Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, WV. RealAudio, RealVideo, and the Real logo are registered trademarks of Progressive Networks, Inc.

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