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Button that takes you to the Dinosaur Floor page.Button that takes you to the Earth Floor page.Button that takes you to the Resource Room page.Button that takes you to the Teacher's Lounge page.Button that takes you to the Elevator page.

Image that says Into the Future.
Image that says: We stand at the top of the Staircase of Time-- But who knows what changes will come as we climb?  Though dinosaurs lived on Earth longer than we, the Earth changed and they died unhappily.  Could there be a new asteriod, plague or ice age?  What about smog and the wars that we wage?  The future is something no one can foretell, and these question we ask, only time will dispel.

The Age of Humanity
The Earth is covered with people! Humanity Rules! Our cities, roads, and farms blanket the land! Our ships criss-cross the seas! Our airplanes fill the skies! We are even entering the depths of space! We stand at the top of the "Staircase of Time."

Image showing the Staircase of Time.  Please have someone assist you with this.

But time continues to pass.... What's this? A new step is forming at the top of the Staircase: The Future!

What will happen to us in the Future? The dinosaurs roamed the Earth 200 times longer than we humans have, and they died out because conditions on Earth changed. Might we also become extinct?

What are the possibilities? Could any of the changes that killed the dinosaurs happen again? Might there be a new ice age? Another supernova? Another giant impact? Or an unstoppable plague?

Image of a crystal ball showing the unpredictability of the Earth's future.As time passes, the Earth continues to change whether we want it to or not. In fact, we humans are changing the face of Earth faster and in different ways than the forces of Nature ever did before! So, are there different types of changes the dinosaurs didn't face that we might? A nuclear war? Excessive pollution? Man-made climate change?

What is your Future, and what can you do about it? Crystal ball and Earth images © 1999


Image that says Dinosaur Floor.
Button that takes you to the Giant Impact page.
Button that takes you to the Super Nova page.
Button that takes you to the Disease page.
Button that takes you to the Volcanoes page.
Button that takes you to the Orbital Changes page.
Button that takes you to the Meet the Dinosaurs page.
Button that takes you to the Into the Future page.


Button that takes you to the Exploring the Environment home page.


Giant Impact | Super Nova | Disease | Volcanoes | Orbital Changes | Meet the Dinosaurs | Into the Future

  Image of a castle that links back to the MSESE home page.  
Button that takes you to the Dinosaur Floor page.Button that takes you to the Earth Floor page.Button that takes you to the Resource Room page.Button that takes you to the Teacher's Lounge page.Button that takes you to the Elevator page.

Site maintained by the ETE Team
Last updated on
April 28, 2005

Some images © 2004

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