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Image that says Adaptation.

Environments Change
All of the environments on Earth change over time. Some changes are caused by the slow movement of the continents (plate tectonics) and take millions of years. For example, right now southern California has a warm and dry climate, but the part of southern California west of the San Andreas fault is being carried northward by the movement of the Pacific plate. In ten million years, that part of California will move a thousand kilometers (600 miles) to the north and become cold and wet.

Image showing the Earth where sheets of ice once covered the Great Lakes area and beyond. It also shows the Earth now where the ice has receeded.  Please have someone assist you with this.

Other changes are caused by variations in Earth's climate and take thousands of years. For example, 12,000 years ago the area around the Great Lakes was very cold and covered by huge sheets of ice a kilometer thick. Today, that same area is warm and covered by forests, farms, and cities.

Image of a building being built.Some changes are caused by people, and these usually occur in relatively short periods of time. For example, a forest or field can be changed into a farm, or a housing tract, or concrete streets and buildings in just a few months or a few years. By building a dam, a valley floor can be changed into a lake bottom in just a few years. Photo ©

Every time a physical environment is changed, all the plants and animals in that environment must adapt to the changes or become extinct. Slow changes give living things time to adapt by the process of evolution over many generations. Fast changes usually don't give living things time to adapt, so they must either move elsewhere or become extinct.

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Image that says Earth Floor.
Button that takes you to the Diversity page.
Button that takes you to the Adaptation page.
Button that takes you to the Plate Tectonics page.
 Button that takes you to the Cycles page.
Button that takes you to the Spheres page.
Button that takes you to the Biomes page.
Button that takes you to the Geologic Time page.

Image of a star. Environments Change
Physical Adaptation
Button that takes you to the Exploring the Environment home page.

Adaptation | Environment | Environmental Change | Physical Adaptation

Diversity | Adaptation | Plate Tectonics | Cycles | Spheres | Biomes | Geologic Time

  Image of a castle that links back to the MSESE home page.  
Button that takes you to the Dinosaur Floor page.Button that takes you to the Earth Floor page.Button that takes you to the Resource Room page.Button that takes you to the Teacher's Lounge page.Button that takes you to the Elevator page.

Site maintained by the ETE Team
Last updated on
April 28, 2005

Some images © 2004

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