Knowing Your Facilitator
Who is the facilitator? What are his or her interests? How can he or she help you learn?

In a face-to-face class, you have to make an appointment to meet with the teacher privately. However, in this virtual course, you can send an email message to communicate privately with the facilitator.

Even though this course environment is designed to support self-directed and team learning, the facilitator may jump in to spark your discussions, coach you in key concepts, give you feedback on your assignments, and provide additional guidance and resources.

The facilitator is there for you "on demand." Like raising your hand in class, you can reach out through email for help any time you need it. Think of your facilitator as a living resource. In Course Space, challenge what you are learning and ask the facilitator to respond.

Where to Start ...Joining the Community ...
Knowing Your Facilitator
...How to Sit in the Front ...
Virtual Cooperative Learning
...Being an Online Learner ...
Learning in an Online Environment ...Virtual Study Space

Home ...Intro ...Outline ...Classroom


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