Being an Online Learner
This online course is asynchronous, so you can access all course components, communicate with other participants, and post assignments whenever it is convenient for you as long as you meet the established weekly deadlines.

You no longer have to commute in all kinds of weather, then try to find a parking space and walk across a cold, windy campus to get to your class on time. The time you save becomes learning time. You study when you need to, send out your ideas when you have access to the Internet, and check in with the facilitator and other participants on a regular basis.

Although you will spend a lot of time offline formulating ideas and developing your knowledge and skills, you will also need to be a presence in this online course environment by regularly posting your quality ideas. As in face-to-face classes, just being a face is not enough. You must share your ideas and knowledge and respond to your teammates to be an active participant in this virtual classroom.

Where to Start ...Joining the Community ...
Knowing Your Facilitator
...How to Sit in the Front ...
Virtual Cooperative Learning
...Being an Online Learner ...
Learning in an Online Environment ...Virtual Study Space

Home ...Intro ...Outline ...Classroom


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Last Updated July 26, 2000

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