Joining the Community
Faceless classmates hovering in cyberspace reaching out to learn together--how do they get to know one another? Just as with the face-to-face classroom, you can visit your classmates outside of class to get to know more about them. In private emails, take the time to share personal information. What's the weather like? What are your kids up to? What's happening at school? If you wish, bring a personal style to your academic communications. Learn to express emotions--those smiley faces and frowns that bring intonation to text. Or use the <> to code asides such as <grin> or even <chagrin> to express emotion. In cyberspace you can take written communication in new directions.

Where to Start ...Joining the Community ...
Knowing Your Facilitator
...How to Sit in the Front ...
Virtual Cooperative Learning
...Being an Online Learner ...
Learning in an Online Environment ...Virtual Study Space

Home ...Intro ...Outline ...Classroom


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Last Updated July 26, 2000

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